Trencher & Auger Parts - Compact Dingo Services
Trencher Chain 6 inch 150mm tungsten rock chain
Heavy duty 150mm tungsten rock chain with joiner, suits 900mm Boom on the pro series Dingo Trencher. Worth checking drive sprocket and nose roller for wear. If worn replacement recommended with a new chain install. Contact us for advise on removal and install procedure. Shipping interstate or local pick up available.

Dingo Trencher Gearbox Seal
Replacement Gearbox Seal which is located under the metal collar next to the trencher drive sprocket. This part can be replaced without stripping gearbox apart. The removal of the auger flight drive sprocket locking boss is required to gain access to the seal. We stock other Trencher Parts, cutting chains & teeth, Hydraulic Hoses Couplings etc. Shipping interstate can be arranged. Please Contact Compact Dingo Services for prices. And technical advise and trouble shooting any issues.

Hyraulic QRC 1/2 Male & Female Coupling set
Hydraulic QRC 1/2 inch Male /Female Couplings Poppet style with Standard BSSP threads. Includes Dust caps to suit. These will suit a vast range of Dingo Mini diggers and attachments. Including Kanga/ Viking and various other manufacturers of earthmoving equipment and fixed plant. Interstate postage and local pick up available.